Gothic Serpent - Video Games, Horticulture, Movies, VFX

Job Application -

Completing The Form

Please review and input the required fields marked with *. The other fields are optional, but will provide more information for hiring.

Upcoming Film

Gothic Serpent is producing a film for which this position is available. To view the project description, go Promotional Site here.

Resume Attachment

After you fill out this form and submit it, you will have an opportunity to upload your resume.



Please list only your primary skills.

Software Experience

Please state the number of years experience you have and self-assess your skill.
Skill Level
None Familiar Proficient Expert Years of Experience
Adobe Photoshop
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word

Where are you currently working? Please include a brief job history.

Please give any details of feature film experience, and list any credits that you have.

Tell us what sets you apart from your peers.

Where did you study and what qualifications do you hold?
